How to deploy a NuGet package + Run tests against Azurite in Local & DevOps environments — Part 2/2

Guide on creating a debuggable NuGet package, publish it to a feed, and run tests in Azure DevOps while using Azurite Storage Emulator.

Disclaimer: This article is meant towards individuals who already have some experience with Azure DevOps and Feeds.


You have been working on a project that utilizes the Azure Storage Services and you have successfully implemented part 1/2 of this article. Everything is working properly in our local environment, and we decide to make a NuGet package out of our library. The passionate developer in you, wants to run your unit/integration tests each time you want to publish a new version of your package to ensure a correct package is released.

To read more on this topic, please visit my blog.



Ledjon Behluli

“I see myself as a specialist, who specializes in the big picture.” Author of: SimulinkModelGenerator, FluentBpmNET