How to deploy a NuGet package + Run tests against Azurite in Local & DevOps environments — Part 1/2

Guide on running tests for your project locally while using Azurite Storage Emulator.


You have been working on a project that utilizes the Azure Storage Services (Blob, Table, Queue, etc.) and to test it, you have written your unit/integration tests while connected to a storage account in Azure. But you figure that there must be a free alternative to this. And you are correct, because you are doing local development at this point, why would you need to spin up a paid storage account for this!

Enter Azurite an open source Azure Storage API compatible emulator that can also run in a docker container. Perfect that is what we need.

To read more on this topic, please visit my blog.



Ledjon Behluli

“I see myself as a specialist, who specializes in the big picture.” Author of: SimulinkModelGenerator, FluentBpmNET